BARCLAYS HAS SEEN its pensions shortfall shoot up by more than a billion pounds over the last six months, despite paying in £700m to cut the deficit. The bank’s half yearly report, published this month, reveals the deficit on an IAS19 basis grew from £200m to £1.3bn from December to June, Accountancy Age’s sister publication […]
Harnett Accountants West London Offer This Video Tip On Holiday Homes
If you have a second property, then it should be working for you to reduce your tax bills. Harnett accountants west london offer this new video tip explaining how your second property could do just that if your accounts are managed correctly. So why not get in touch with us, and we will advise you […]
Do you work from home? Here is a great tip from Harnett Accountants West London
Did you know that if you work from home you may be able to claim a deduction to cover part of your home expenses. You can claim up to £3/week without producing any written bills. However if you believe that the actual cost is higher (based on the cost compared to the amount of time […]
Your accountants Twickenham – useful advice on tax inspections.
We have a team of 7 accountants and serve businesses thorought the Richmond borough and West London. Recently, one of our accountants – Twickenham – had a query regarding tax inspectors. Like many areas covered by our accountants Twickenham is a thriving business community with its fair share of business advice needs; non more concerning […]