Harnett Accountants Putney – Government Plans To Unite SME incentives

Harnett Accountants Putney brings you this report from the Accountancy Age website, revealing new government plans to provide help for SME’s and startups under one centrally managed scheme.

“HELP FOR SMEs should be more easily accessible and under the umbrella of one organisation according to ICAEW chief executive Michael Izza.

As things stand, applying for funding for activities such as employing young people, starting your own business, cheap loans and export support must be done through various different bodies.

But a state-sponsored small business bank announced by George Osborne last week provides an opportunity to unite those services under one roof.”

Source: full article

In July, Harnett Accountants Putney reported on a survey revealing that a third of UK SME’s were missing out on tax breaks available to them. More worryingly, at the time of that report, only 1 in 3 UK SME’s were completely aware of all the tax breaks available to them. However, it is hoped that this new decision to unite all of the various incentives and finance schemes under one roof will raise the level of awareness and use of available tax breaks and further help the ailing UK economy.

If you need advice about tax breaks and incentive schemes, or if you’re unsure about exactly which schemes your company could be elligable for, please contact us through our website or on 020 8977 3883, and we will arrange a free, one hour no obligation consultation. Also you can follow us on Twitter, Facebook and Google+. Additionally, you can keep reading our daily blogs.


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